Digital transformation

Strategy and innovative strength

We focus on your strategic and organizational challenges. The goal is to maximize your ability to act as a modern company. The agility of your employees depends to a large extent on their working methods. Changing these requires technical expertise and professional experience, which we can provide for you. Digitalization offers optimization opportunities in almost all areas of a company. These must be identified and then the corresponding processes adapted and measures initiated.
In the overall transformation process, corporate culture and organization must also not be neglected. These also form building blocks of digitization. Employees who support and embrace the transformation become innovation drivers and leaders.

Digatl Transformieren

Microsoft 365 & Co

Cloud as a tool to modernize your culture

Under the term "agile workspace", corporate structures are being transferred to cloud environments to enable employees to work flexibly.
As a result, the challenges for data storage and security are even greater than before.
The task now is not to run headlong ahead or behind. We help you to exploit the potential at the points that deliver real added value to your company.
Microsoft, AWS or other hyper-scaling cloud providers deliver the service, we deliver the plan. Because if you rush ahead without a plan, you will reap high costs and low added value.

Testing of technologies used and their suitability for the use of digital data structures
Introduction of new, process-compatible products
Analysis and, if necessary, restructuring of the communication culture in the company
Adaptation of the organization to collaboration platforms and shared workspaces
Digitization of voice and meeting channels
Is your IT infrastructure ready for a deeper transformation? Do components need to be adapted?
What do security-relevant components look like in relation to a digitization process? We adapt your solutions or show you weak points and potential for improvement.
Databases and block data are located on classic system storage and are in classic access by your users?
Is this data available just as effectively for agile workplaces? Are your data structures sufficiently clustered or categorized to ensure methodical provision for modern work?
Data usage and collection plays a key role in systems in the IOT environment.
The methods are crucial here to enable evaluations and automations. We support your specific manufacturers in integrating IOT data collection into your infrastructure.